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Clare Easdown: A Soulful Journey of Emotion and Empowerment

Experience the Power of Music as Clare Chronicles Life's Ups and Downs Through Melodies And Music Salvation!

Clare Easdown © 2023

Today We Have The Pleasure To Have This Great Artist Here On Goathead!


GH: What inspired you to start writing music?

Clare: What inspired me to start writing music was my deep yearning to express my feelings through art. Before delving into music production, my main outlet was visual arts, so painting on canvas. However, music, in my opinion, is the most powerful and effective art form, and I believe it is a universal love language that shoots through the hearts of all. Ever since I delved into music production, that's all I do now. It has completely taken over.

GH: Can you tell us more about your experience performing live at gigs, and what was the most memorable experience you had?

Clare: I was hesitant to talk over this particular gig I played at; however, I'm all about remaining completely real with you and authentic, so I will answer this question truthfully. The most memorable experience I've had playing live was when I wasn't mentally stable at an absolutely beautiful venue. I was acting very inappropriately and ended up being shipped off to the hospital. It made me realize that life is precious, illness is prevalent, and one needs to realize that failure is inevitably a part of life. If we can learn from our failures, they aren't really failures at all. One can look at the so-called failure, like more of a stepping stone for further growth, strength, and development. It's the tough and testing times that make us, and I am determined to learn from what happened during this gig for the future.

GH: How is your process of songwriting set around?

Clare: The process of songwriting is set around raw and authentic emotions. Deep dark experiences and life happenings in general. I either create my own electronic beats or team up with producers, craft lyrics, a melody, and my vocals around the beats, and off we go! Often times I drive down to the ocean's edge to find inspiration. Mother nature is a beautiful muse.

GH: What motivates you to create music and bring awareness to different situations through your songs?

Clare: My main motivation to create music is to express concepts that may be usually swept under the carpet. My aim is to bring awareness to the misfits of society, people struggling with mental health issues, poverty, and unequal opportunities. I want to be a voice for those who feel discarded and unheard.

GH: Could you share some insights into your next projects?

Clare: Sure! Some insights into my next projects are following on from my latest release "I Break," which delves into the dark depths of depression. JburnsMusic and I are working on a follow-on track called "Within" that places a positive spin on "I Break" with a way of overcoming the dark depths of depression. This next track seeks to give hope and solace to those experiencing the depths of Mental Health issues. No matter what curve ball life throws at you, you've got this and will only become stronger because of it.

Don’t Forget To Follow Clare On Instagram And Listen To Her Music On All Streaming Platforms!


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