Exploring the Genesis of Music, Live Performances, Songwriting Struggles, and the Motivation Behind Dream Pop for the Apocalypse, Luma Fade Shares Insights on Current and Future Projects.

Luma Fade ©️ 2023
Today We Have The Pleasure To Have This Great Artist Here On Goathead!
GH: Hey Luma Fade. What inspired you to start writing music?
Luma Fade: I played in bands when I was young, mostly on bass. While I wasn't great at it, I enjoyed writing songs. After leaving music behind for years, the pandemic and lockdown sparked creative urges. Inspired by new bands on Bandcamp, I went on a 2 am walk under a full moon. Feeling a surge of determination, I decided, "whatever this is, it happens tonight or it dies." I opened GarageBand on my phone and, by 5 am, had the structure for a basic track – that's how the album started.
GH: Can you tell us more about your experience performing live at gigs and what was the most memorable experience you had?
Luma Fade: With this project, no live performances yet. It's a pandemic project, and open mic nights were scarce. While I performed in my youth, I wanted this to be a bedroom-studio project. A live performance might be different due to the electronic nature of the songs and being a solo act. Who knows, if it gains traction, live performances might be considered.
GH: How is your process of songwriting set around?

Luma Fade: The process involved forcing myself to sit down and bring something to life amid distractions. It's hard to turn away from distractions and start something from within. Striving for that and wanting it is crucial. Sometimes I'd grasp at any idea, working to develop it into something vibey. Many songs got thrown out, but the process prepared me to latch onto inspiration when it hit, even if it meant tracking all night. Overall, I'm uncertain if this album was a success on the songwriting front. I feel I can do better, like I haven't broken through a personal barrier yet. Perhaps that uncertainty brings the motivation to keep writing.
GH: What motivates you to create music and bring awareness to different situations through your songs?

Luma Fade: During the early days of the pandemic, it felt like we were all figuring out if it was the end of the world or the new norm. I kind of wanted an apocalypse, imagining it all coming apart. I channeled that into writing dream pop for the apocalypse, reflected in the visuals of the first single's music video. I wanted each song to tell a story about a generation facing a crisis, where it seemed like the sun was setting on their civilization. The vinyl version of the album includes a booklet telling the narrative of each song with art, poetry, and stories.
GH: Could you share some insights into your next projects?
Luma Fade: Barely had time to think about it, being busy with the current release. I'm a one-man show, playing all roles. To address neglecting my creative needs, I bought new instruments and started learning them. I also met a visitor who I'm convinced is not of this earth, trying to convince them to collaborate on the vocal & lyric side. It'd be nice to explore our society from the perspective of an outsider.
Don’t Forget To Follow Luma Fede On Instagram And Listen To His Music On All Streaming Platforms!