Exploring the Artistry of Miss Randall – A Tale of Music and Imagination

Miss Randall ©️2023
Today we have the pleasure to have her on Goathead !
GH: What inspired you to start writing music?
Miss Randall: Ever since I was a little girl, I was always looking into reading lyrics, the artwork, who played what, and who wrote and produced the records. As I got into my teens, I started writing my own poetry and got very serious with it. Writing actual music came through organically when I realized that, quite often, I was humming and coming up with new ideas and sequences that made sense in my head. So I started recording myself onto my computer and sending it to friends. It wasn't until I formally joined my former band Rusty Eye that the avenue became real and I had immediate feedback.
GH: Can you tell us more about your experience performing live at gigs and what was the most memorable experience you had?
Miss Randall: I think that one of the coolest experiences as a musician is to have in the audience a person that you admire watching you play. I have to say that it happened to me several times in my formative Hollywood years, seeing established drummers attending my shows and congratulating me for my performance afterward. It honestly helped me get better.
GH: How is your process of songwriting set around?
Miss Randall: It varies. Sometimes, I come up with lyrics and then I think of the music. Sometimes, the music comes to me and then the lyrics. Sometimes, it's just a riff that I repeat over and over and then, it evolves into something else. The rule of thumb for a good idea is that, if it keeps popping into your head, it's probably worth pursuing and you should record that thing.
GH: What motivates you to create music and bring awareness to different situations through your songs?

Miss Randall: I'm naturally in tune with what I call "people mechanics." Humans are fascinating creatures, and I love finding the subtleties of daily interactions. I also love cinema, fantasy, and horror. Most of my lyrics with Rusty Eye were about movie characters, monsters, or situations that should have their own movie. I don't think that will ever go away, but now I'm diving more into Existentialism and foreign countries' lore.
GH: What makes you feel inspired?

Miss Randall: I try my best to be present every day of my life, at least for an hour or so, when I do my walks in the woods, alone. I feel in a meditative state when in nature, and this can be also at a beach, the desert, or the country. Inner peace is key to me. I also try to stimulate my mind by reading and consuming things that are interesting to me, whether it is SciFi, Existentialism, or Magic Realism.
GH: What have been the biggest pain points of being a solo artist?
Miss Randall: Not having a dedicated bandmate (or bandmates) has been difficult, so I've been working with sessions and friends at a distance. Once you decide that you're going to do your own thing, it feels like the odds are against you. But I believe that all these hardships have taught me that no matter what, I know how I should feel and sound to others. And I'd rather wait until I can have a perfect bandmate who wants to work with me and understands my eclectic nature. Ultimately, I'd like to find an equal partner with whom I can bounce ideas back and forth, 50/50 (ideally within the same or similar zip code!).
GH: Could you share some insights into your next projects?
Miss Randall: The most immediate thing is my upcoming EP "Desertations Vol. 1" which is dropping on 11/10. My next single out of this EP is "Hell Come Undone," coming out on 9/29 (music video on 10/03). While this is happening, I'm recording more songs in this vein, I also have mapped out an entire EP in the vein of Classic NWOBHM Rock/Metal (with one single produced and ready). I also have another little project shaping up with a composer/sound designer in LA that is more in the dark electro, retro trip-hop vein. Most importantly, I am working on producing my first album with my guitar player and producer extraordinaire in Germany, Waldemar Sorychta. This is a priority of mine to put out there. He's played in one of the most interesting bands in the last decades (i.e., Grip Inc.) and produced my favorite musicians and female singers, such as Cristina Scabia and Anneke van Giersbergen. It's super fire and honest. We're making it work at a distance, and I've been traveling to Germany to make it happen. Stay tuned!
GH: What's your advice to other indie musicians out there?

Miss Randall: Take your time with your songs. It's worth waiting on building a structure, the feel, and what the world-building is. Also, don't be afraid to speak your mind while producing your own music. If something doesn't sound good to you, then trust your gut and voice out your concern. Not everyone can afford to work with Rick Rubin, but at least try to aim for that level of greatness. Don't settle, aim higher.
Don’t Forget To Follow Miss Randall On Instagram And Listen To Her Music On All Streaming Platforms!