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Starfront: Unveiling Musical Inspirations, Gigging Adventures, and Future Projects in Exclusive Interview with Goathead

Explore the journey of Starfront as they share insights into songwriting, memorable gigs, and upcoming projects in this exclusive interview.

Starfront ©️ 2023


Today We Have The Pleasure To Have Starfront Here On Goathead!

GR: Hey guys! Welcome here. What inspired you to start writing music?

Starfront: My inspiration was the Eagles. Something just captured me there as they were my first real favorite band. They still are! Someone asked me around 16 years old, why don’t you start writing?

Well, that's what I did. Come to find out through, I have traces all the way back to the Civil War of my family being musicians, so it’s fitting!

GR: What's your favorite part about gigging, and do you have a memorable show?

Starfront: My favorite part about gigging would have to be traveling with the band and meeting so many new people. My favorite show so far would have to be a songwriters event in Deland, Fla with my other band, the Proles, where my band met a lot of fellow music lovers and musicians, and showed off our newest music. And honestly, the first show of the day for us was terrible, timing issues, pedal board failure, you name it, it happened. But still memorable!

GR: Can you describe your songwriting process?

Starfront: My songwriting process usually happens late at night, but it can come out of nowhere. A lot of times I wake in the morning and there’s a melody in my head. Being in the studio helps creation a lot though. Sometimes it’ll take me a while to finish something, other times a song can be done in a day.

GR: How do dating/relationships influence your songwriting, and can you share the inspiration behind your new single, "Sea of Sound"?

Starfront : Usually, dating/relationships create themes and lyrics for me, but my new single, Sea of Sound, really came from nowhere. There was an old Joe Walsh song I started writing a continuation of his theme for the first verse, then the rest of the song just came out. Inspiration comes out in all different forms!

GR: What are your upcoming projects?

Starfront: My next projects I’m planning are two EP’s, or even full albums; we haven’t decided yet. One will be more of the psychedelic vintage aspect, and one will be focused on more modern sounds like Sea of Sound.


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